The Raspberry Pi is programmed to run a version of Mini vMac, an emulator that lets a modern computer run software from early Macs from 1984 to 1996 (they were based on Motorola’s 680×0 microprocessors). They upgraded the original device with a resistive touch PiTFT image, and then installed Astroprint on it so that the box became a rather useful 3D print monitor.
A few days ago, however, Adafruit posted a bit of an update, this time modifying the cute little Mac Pi to become a 3D print monitor.
Way back in August of last year Adafruit contributors the “Ruiz Brothers” shared instructions for creating this frankly adorable, 3D printed Mac Pi that features a Raspberry Pi Model B and a 320 x 240 miniature touch screen display. We’ve got a Raspberry Pi recipe for classic Mac and 3D printing fans: Combine your nostalgia for the good old days of 128k with the DIY culture of Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and 3D printing and voila! You’ve built yourself a Mac Pi, a working mini-Mac!